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Disaster Recovery as a Service
“Site recovery retrieves services automatically when there’s a site outage in the primary data center. Microsoft Azure classic portal contains the disaster recovery plans, such as Azure Automation runbooks, that store applications for quick service restoration. Setting primary and recovery sites for virtual networks will allow testing for your recovery plans at any time without having to disturb any services.”
Health Monitoring
“Azure remotely uses site recovery to continually monitor protection. Both your replication and virtual machine data remain on your networks when you control replicating between two sites. Encrypted data is used for all communications and data.”
Disaster Recovery in the Cloud
“Virtual machines automatically replicate to protect your environment. Azure or a secondary data center can be used as a recovery site with Azure Site Recovery. By integration of existing technology, Azure Site Recovery manages replication of data using System Center.”
Replication and Disaster Recovery to Azure
“By workload replication, applications can be transferred to Azure rapidly and momentarily bursting to Azure when you confront a surge in demand. With no affect to customers, production workloads can be copied. Reports and analytics can be run. DevTest duplicates of live data for latest versions of applications which then produces the new version in the datacenter.”